Charitable Donations

Donation to Sheriffs and Recorders Fund

The committee agreed to donate £1,000 from our charitable fund to the wonderful Sheriffs and Recorders Fund.  Here is a photo of a certificate of such donation ( which was paid by bank transfer ) being presented to the Chairman of that Fund to our own member Lady Russell. This is a large donation from any PMA and you may recall we made a smaller donation to them during member Alderman Alison Gowman’s term as Sheriff, following our tour.  I do hope you all know this wonderful city charity which was founded in 1808 and gives small grants to ex-prisoners and their families in London to help them stop the cycle of re-offending and to start a new life.   Small grants such as purchase of a ladder a bucket and some cleaning materials helped one ex-prisoner become a window cleaner and training courses give them a light at the end of the tunnel to change their lives.  Do google them for more information and consider making further private donations – even £50 can go a long way.

Lady Russell being presented with Certificate of £1,000 donation